November Moon

NASA has announced that they will roll Artemis I back out to the pad about November 4th for another attempt to launch just after midnight on the 14th. After the last scrub they did some additional tests to get the hydrogen fillers to stop leaking.… Read the rest “November Moon”

Artemis – June or Summer

Now that SLS has crawled out to the launch pad we can calculate when she’ll launch, right. No exactly. The next step is a “wet test” where they fill the tanks with fuel to make sure nothing leaks or explode. Once that test happens next month the crawler will be called into service again to drag the stack back to the VAB.… Read the rest “Artemis – June or Summer”


The new movie Interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey and directed by Christopher Nolan is destined to become a science fiction classic like 2001 but I don’t think it will be appreciated in our time. At three hours long I think some audiences will have a hard time staying engaged.… Read the rest “Interstellar”